• Nike Tri Wahyuningsih
Keywords: Vegetable extracts, resistance induction, chilies


A study was carried out to examine the effect of vegetable extracts on the resistance of chilies (Capsicum annum, L.) to anthracnose disease. The field experiment used a single factor design which was arranged in a completely randomized block design with 3 replications. The seven treatments given were: 1) extract of four o'clock flower (Mirabillis jalapa); 2) extract of thorny amaranthus spinach (Amaranthus spinosus);        3) extract of hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes); 4) extract of pagoda leaves (Clerodendrum japonicum); 5) microbial inducer (Bacillus subtillis); 6) chemical inducer (Acibenzolar s-methyl); 7) chemical chemistry (Benzothiadiozole); and 8) untreated as control. Observations of plant height, width of canopy, intensity of cercospora and anthracnose attacks were carried out.

The results indicate that four o'clock flower extract (Mirabillis jalapa) is a vegetable pesticide which has the same ability as chemical pesticides in inducing chilies resistance to anthracnose. The extract was a biopesticide which could significantly replace the role of chemical pesticides with disease suppression is about 48.2%.


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