
  • Raudhotul Jannah Institut Pertanian (Intan) Yogyakarta
  • Sundari Setyaningsih Institut Pertanian (Intan) Yogyakarta
  • Rahayu Dyah Astuti Institut Pertanian (Intan) Yogyakarta


kweni mango, mangga kweni, jam, selai, pectin, citric acid, asam sitrat


Kweni mango is a type of mango that has a very strong and distinctive aroma, the smell is
different from other types of mango. The flesh of the kweni mango is yellow with a fibrous texture,
contains lots of water, and tastes sweet and fresh. The aim of this research is to obtain the right jammaking formulation so that quality Kweni mango jam is obtained.
This Kweni mango is a type of mango that has a very strong and distinctive aroma, the smell
is different from other types of mango. The flesh of the kweni mango is yellow with a fibrous texture,
contains lots of water, and tastes sweet and fresh. The aim of this research is to obtain the right jammaking formulation so that quality Kweni mango jam is obtained.
This study used a factorial completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 treatment factors.
The first factor is the addition of pectin which consists of 3 levels, namely 0% (P1), 0.25% (P2),
0.50% (P3). The second factor is the addition of citric acid which consists of 2 levels, namely 0%
(A1) and 0.5% (A2). The parameters observed for Kweni mango jam include tests for water content,
pH, vitamin C, soluble solids and organoleptic tests (color, taste, aroma and texture/spreadability).
The results of the research showed that the treatment with the addition of citric acid and
pectin with varying levels did not have a significant effect on the water content, vitamin C content,
soluble solids content, color and spreadability of the jam produced, but had an effect on the pH
value, taste and aroma of the jam. The water content of kweni mango jam ranges from 48.18% to
55.05%, vitamin C content 0.5 to 0.79%, soluble solids content 42 to 47.88%. Treatment with the
addition of 0.5% citric acid, either without the addition of pectin or with the addition of pectin,
produces jam with a pH value that meets SNI standards (3.5to 4.5).
The best formula for making Kweni mango jam is by adding 0.5% citric acid without adding
pectin. The resulting jam had a water content of 50.9%, Ph 4.46, vitamin C content of 0.79%, soluble
solids content of 44.83% and organoleptically the product was liked by the panelists.ding pectin. The
resulting jam had a water content of 50.9%, Ph 4.46, vitamin C content of 0.79%, soluble solids
content of 44.83% and organoleptically the product was liked by the panelists.


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