• TRI KUNDARINI Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian
  • RAHAYU DYAH ASTUTI Dosen Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian
  • SUNDARI SETYANINGSIH Dosen Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian
Keywords: edible film, whey, glycerol, carrageenan, gliserol, karagenan


ABSTRACTCheese is a dairy product that is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. Cheese is made through a coagulation process to obtain a solid in the form of curd and a liquid in the form of whey. Whey is a by-product of the cheese-making industry in the form of a yellow liquid from the filtering and pressing of the curd. One of the cheese factories in Sleman, namely Rumah Cheese Jogja, can produce approximately 50-70 kg of cheese every month, so that the by-product of whey is quite abundant.Utilization of whey is needed to reduce environmental pollution. Whey from cheese waste has the potential to be made edible film because it still contains protein. One of the disadvantages of edible films is that they are easily brittle. Glycerol and carrageenan are ingredients that are often added in the manufacture of edible films to improve the characteristics of edible films to become elastic, flexible and not easily brittle.In this study, an edible film was made from mozzarella whey with the addition of carrageenan and glycerol. This study aims to utilize mozzarella whey waste, to determine the effect of adding carrageenan and glycerol with different concentrations to the characteristics of edible film, and to determine the best treatment. Parameters tested were water vapor transmission rate, thickness, tensile strength, and elongation. This study used a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method with 2 factors, namely the addition of carrageenan with concentrations (1%, 2%, 3%) and glycerol with concentrations (3%, 6%).The results showed that there was no interaction between the addition of carrageenan and glycerol to the characteristics of the edible film. The best treatment based on quality standards is a combination of treatment with the addition of 2% carrageenan and 6% glycerol with a water vapor transmission rate of 3.7839 g/m2/day, 0.27 mm thickness, 0.396 Mpa tensile strength, and 34.21% elongation.


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