
  • Tazkiyatul Syahidah Program Studi Kehutanan, Fakultas Kehutanan, Institut Pertanian Intan Yogyakarta


landscape complexity, parasitoids, Hymenoptera, kompleksitas lanskap, parasitoid


The influence of landscape structures on interactions between pest plants and natural enemies is a complex problem and in time influences the success and failure of biological control. Hymenoptera parasitoid is an essential natural enemy because of its high diversity and effectiveness as a biological control agent. This study aims to study the relationship of landscape complexity to the diversity of Hymenoptera parasitoids in long bean plantations in Bogor Regency. The methods used for the collection of insects are hand-collecting, yellow trays, and malaise traps. Species accumulation curves, Shannon and Wiener diversity index, Sorensen similarity index and group analysis were used to analyze the data obtained. The results of this study indicate that 4 792 parasitoids Hymenoptera collected consisted of 28 families and 256 species. The relationship of landscape complexity influences species diversity, abundance, and evenness. Diversity and evenness of species are higher in complex landscapes than simple landscapes. The abundance of Hymenoptera parasitoid species in complex landscapes is lower than simple landscapes.


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